Thursday, May 27, 2010

Rainy Days

Am I pleased to see this little lady out today!We have had several days of wet,wet,wet-very heavy rain at times.I don't expect her to stay out for long though,as heavier rain is forecast in the next few days!Yay!So this morning the washing machine is going in the hope of a catch up.
At least it hasn't been as bad as the weather back home in places,with more nastiness forecast there as well!
So the past couple of days have been filled by indoor domestics & some sewing.

Caught up on ironing(yuk!) ,& did some defluffing of some winter woolies.Have you ever used one of these handy little gadgets?They work wonders & actually can become quite addictive to use!Amazing how much fluff they collect,& you start thinking what else can I use it on?My clothes may be in fear of becoming bald!And then one can start to imagine if all that fluff was collected over time from hundreds of lint shavers,how could it be recycled and what could it be used for?!

I made a big pot of vegetable soup.I can never seem  to quite replicate my Mum's vege soup using her method-some how it just never tastes as good as hers.She must be the magic ingredient!

 So I have developed my own concoction.which is quite scrummy(but still not as good as hers).
I use onion,celery,carrots,pumpkin,kumera(I'm pleased 'sweet potato' is becoming called that more & more here) & zucchini-all diced up.

I brown the onion in a little olive oil,then add all the other veges & cook them all off for a little while before adding some pre-soaked soup mix,a can of diced tomatoes,a couple of chicken stock cubes(Massel brand,which actually don't have any animal product in them),salt & pepper & water.

Simmer slowly for an hour or so until veges & soup mix are soft.Then I like to smoosh the pumpkin & kumera by using a wooden spoon to push it against the sides of the saucepan-this thickens the soup up a bit,while still leaving it quite chunky.Lastly,off the heat,I throw in lots of baby spinach.Then enjoy-I love to eat it with toasted Turkish bread.

I also started to teach myself to crochet.This is my very first granny square!I followed  a great tutorial from Meet Me At Mikes.Still have a way to go & lots of practice to do.

Have also been at the sewing machine-have The Olive Tree Market(you check it out on Facebook )on again next weekend.More today,then some photos.
Oh,& by the way-call me slow,but I just realized the other day that by double clicking on a photo on a blog,you can view it super-sized!So for anyone else(is there anyone?)who didn't know this,now you do!

1 comment:

frangipani said...

Oh my gosh. Haven't you been busy?! You brought back some old memories with that little temperature gauge thingy-I think Mum and Dad had one. And I have one of those lint shaver(Paula!! bought it at a garage sale-don't know what he was ever going to do with it). Keep up your de-fluffing and you might be able to make some fluffy pillows. Good luck:)